I've been toying with the idea of amassing all my favourite YouTube clips together as one big post for some time now. As journalist Miska Rantanen said in a Helsingin sanomat column a while back, the whole YouTube concept is almost too good to be true, which naturally leads one to doubt its future existence. But, then again, as P2P music sharing programs have shown us, if you stomp one to the ground (Napster, primarily - which isn't technically a P2P but anyway), a dozen new ones will sprout up like a bunch of pesky weeds.
If you know me, you've probably seen some of these, but not all, and, anyways, it's good to have them nice and handy in one place. So, let's dive straight in.
Starting off with a YouTube classic, it's the phenomenon of pure craziness that is usually known as "Tom Cruise", or Krazy Kruise, if you're feeling extra chummy. Be forwarned, though: seeing this might actually make your head spin like Linda Blair's in The Exorcist.
The famous interview on Oprah where he went completely fucking bonkers sadly cannot be found anywhere, but this will give you some kind of idea.
And there's always this; The Cruiser, South Park-style.
Enough about him already. Let's get down to some heavy lifting. Here for your enjoyment, a double whammy, literally. Pure genious. And to think that no one had any idea...
(Remember kids, if the videos stall, press pause and let them stream for a while, then press play again.)

I realize David Hasselhoff videos are kinda played out when it comes to unintentional comedy, but everyone still needs this in their lives. And here Germany's adopted son "needs a glass of wasser".
Alrighty, let's change gears for a bit. Back when The Hills was just a twinkle in some prepubescent TV exec's eye, there was this. Coke addiction, blown up dads and real-life knife attacks ensued.
Then, completely and utterly unrelated, here's Vesku Loiri's "Naurava kulkuri", which has in the past provided us with endless laughs during many an after-party. Also, as my friend once remarked, it served to separate the wheat from the chaff when it came to people - basically, the ones who got it were cool, and the ones who didn't were a bit stuck-up, too tied up in their own hipsterishness (now, there's a word for you). And by the way, if you're not Finnish, don't even bother. Or, then again, do. It just might not translate awfully well.
And on the same note, there once was Spede. He's dead now, you know. Died in a golfing accident.
Now that Miami Vice has been made into a sour-faced blockbuster starring you-know-who and Ray Charles, I thought it'd be worth linking to some clips that remind us what the show really was about - the 80s, of course. In that regard, this is pretty hard to top, and it's dubbed in German, too. As an added bonus, here's a Philip Michael Thomas video. Really.
There would be much, much more, but this post already has a lot of stuff, so I'm pulling the reins here. I'll probably post another edition some time in the future.
PS. There's a movie version of Borat coming out pretty soon. (Okay, admittedly, I mostly brought this up to be able to include the picture below.)